About me


You may have heard this a lot in the political spheres, but the rich and powerful get their way, always.

This is not a political rant.

There's a blurry line between using power for benefit and for abuse. Powerful individuals will also contribute to the society and some will always use it for their own benefit. And that's fine.

Until they start to abuse it.

I've seen countless incidents of people using their power to dominate one section of the society, be it the aggrieved, be it animals, be it someone completely unrelated to their problem.

See the recent outrage against Rajat Dalal. That prick shows what muscle power and a few connections can keep you out of jail for long, until the media pays attention and everything blows up to a critical point, which is when authorities start taking action.

There are many examples, and the police will do nothing. Literally nothing. I have first hand observed cases where the police in a certain city conspires with convicted criminals to extort money from individuals.

The police, in any state, takes action when it suits them or if people start tagging them on X relentlessly for a response. Isn't it their duty to take cognizance of malfeasance and take swift action on the first complaint?

There is no way to complain against them, or at least effectively. All part of the same system.

Most of us haven't seen the condition in villages. We only hear about it selectively, through media houses and politicians, when it suits their cause.

Everything is a means to an end. Be it accidents by reckless individuals in a Porsche or brutal rape cases in states which are run by extremists.

I guess in a third-world country (no matter how much you call it a developing nation), the pockets are made deep only to be lined up with money.

Nation favours those with money and power.

Those who speak against it are either labelled as pawns of a political party or are lost in time until the public move on to a new selective outrage.