About me


Are we a speck in time that gets cleansed and wiped out within years of our eradication?

Most of the humans that exist on this planet are.

They get up everyday, work for a living, come back home, and repeat.

There's no willingness to make a change.

The willingness is to let life run its course, and understand and accept that not everyone is meant to make a difference in time, that is be remembered for decades, if not for centuries.

Not every one is Jobs, Musk, or Ford.

We live life, as it comes to us. We are subject of our own emotions, outcome of our own deeds, and creator of our paths.

We do not care for a worldly difference.

Such a life may be mediocre, but peaceful and content.

You can either die a content, mediocre man, or as an ambitious visionary, who still feels that they couldn't just do enough in their lifetime.

Choice is not ours to make, surprisingly, as to how we want to turn out.

It will be a mix of circumstances, intelligence, exposure, society, time, and many more things.

Go with the flow without regrets.