About me


Anonymity is beautiful.

There is no fear, no judgment, no collateral.

You say what you want, leave when you like, fall when you feel like. The disclosure of identity is done by you as per your wishes, just like in the 80s.

I feel those were better times. You could meet people for the first time, and they'd only know more of you when you allow them to. There's no social media. No profiles. No digital footprint. Seekers could seek without being terrorized by the ghosts of their pasts. Everything would be clear, directed, pure, and personal.

Since 2000s, internet and the democratization of 'social' media has plagued society for worst. Embedded in everyone's head is need to show the good, better side of things, even if they do not exist. Even if their life is shadowed with solitude, convoluted with negative thoughts, and desecrated with unmet goals.

We are making digital pieces for others to see and remember. We are speaking, not to speak, but to avoid offence and cancellation. We do things to please others and find happiness in their pleasure. All because things may blow up in our face, with so much discoverability. Everyone knows everyone.

Killing discoverability and having anonymity to a certain extent, towards general audience at large, can help open expression.

Expression without fear. Expression with feelings. Expression with hate. Expression with love.

It might not be ideal for my woke (snowflake) friends, but there's nothing better than the true and raw form of expression driven by anonymity.

Stay open with a mask on your face.